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Tag: campus ministry

Unfolding Globalscope South Africa

Our Globalscope international campus ministries started as a dream to reach college students in major university towns around the world, places where few opportunities existed for young people to explore faith in a loving and accepting community. Now, over 20 years later, Globalscope campus ministers are welcoming students into 14 different campus houses, in 10 countries.

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Sophie Anthony to Help Launch a New South Africa Ministry

Sophie Anthony will soon graduate with a degree in Human Health from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia and in her four years of college, she has had multiple experiences that have shaped her. She interned at a church serving vulnerable populations, volunteered as a coordinator at a food pantry, spent a summer as a REACH intern at CMF’s Globalscope campus ministry in Uruguay, and even participated in a month-long study abroad program in South Africa.

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Community and Partnerships in Tübingen, Germany

Tony Cole is following his call to find new ways to communicate old truths to university students in Tübingen, Germany, as part of Unterwegs, the Globalscope campus ministry team. He puts his background in philosophy and theology to work with his love for bread making and good conversation in order to pass on the welcome of God we know in Jesus. When he isn't working with students, you'll find Tony in the mountains, cooking with friends, or reading in a pub. Here he talks about the importance of partnering with local churches.

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Serving and Dreaming of Possibilities in Brazil

For the third straight year, several Globalscope campus ministries from Latin America have teamed up to travel to a different location to serve together. It’s called Proyecto La Paz and each year has been a new and amazing experience. In January students and staff from our ministries in Chile, Uruguay, and Mexico travelled to Brazil where they served with an existing CMF ministry and dreamed about starting a new one.

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