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Sophie Anthony to Help Launch a New South Africa Ministry

Sophie Anthony will soon graduate with a degree in Human Health from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia and in her four years of college, she has had multiple experiences that have shaped her. She interned at a church serving vulnerable populations, volunteered as a coordinator at a food pantry, spent a summer as a REACH intern at CMF’s Globalscope campus ministry in Uruguay, and even participated in a month-long study abroad program in South Africa.

But it was her time spent at Bread Coffeehouse, a campus ministry at Emory, that she found a place where she felt safe, supported, and loved. As a member of that community and eventually a student leader with them, she formed relationships, participated in small groups, hosted events, and helped create a Christ-centered and welcoming environment for the students. She now hopes to create that type of community for students in South Africa.

During that month Sophie spent studying in South Africa, she felt God telling her that she would be back and a year later she was on a vision trip with CMF to the country, exploring the possibility of starting a ministry there. After much research, conversations, and prayer, Sophie is now part of a team launching a new Globalscope campus ministry in the city of Gqeberha, at Nelson Mandela University.

Watch this brief video to get to know Sophie and her heart for campus ministry and South Africa.

campus ministry, Globalscope, Sophie Anthony, South Africa

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