Matt Hawkins and Globalscope: ‘Put me where you need me!’
What was the craziest thing Globalscope campus minister Matt Hawkins did while serving at Canvas in Nottingham, England?
“We did a Halloween outdoor scavenger hunt, and I was Dumbledore from Harry Potter,” said Matt. “So, I spent a dark night in old church graveyard, dressed as a wizard, waiting for students to find me and get their clues. I got some weird looks, but at least I didn’t get arrested!”
Matt has completed his term with Globalscope and moved back to Atlanta with his wife, Erin. He visited the CMF home office to share stories and insights from his service in England.
Why serve with Globalscope and why Nottingham?
I studied at Georgia Tech and was active in the Christian Campus Fellowship. I was an exchange intern with CMF in Birmingham, England, in 2012 and loved England and Canvas. After I graduated, I did a CCF internship and took a scouting trip to Nottingham, where Globalscope was planning a second Canvas location. I loved both cities, so I told Phil Tatum, the Globalscope director, “Just put me where you need me.” And Christine Barber, the new team leader at Nottingham, wanted me on her team. So, I arrived in Nottingham in March 2017.

What are some of the accomplishments you’re most proud of during your Canvas ministry?
We were a start-up ministry, so it took a quite a while to find a campus house. Then God just dropped the perfect place in our laps. It’s a great house and students love it.
The team finances and other administrative tasks were also a big part of my role. I’m not the stereotypical, super outgoing campus minister, so I was happy I could be myself and contribute to the team in support positions.
What were some ways the team was able to do ministry during the pandemic?
Globalscope is inherently relational, so everything was weird. We had some misfires, but our goal was to provide what students need, which is community. We all did a lot of one-on-one walks! But God’s still been moving and there has been fruit.
There was one student, C., who’s been part of Canvas since the beginning. He knew we were religious, but he came mainly for community. Then our church held an Alpha course right before the pandemic began. He went and told us that during the service he felt the Holy Spirit give him a sense of overwhelming peace that he had never experienced before. It was such a blessing to watch him become a Christian during the pandemic.
What’s next for you and Erin?
I’m job hunting in Atlanta. My wife is super smart and already got a job. It’s a little weird to be back in the U.S. We need to find our normal again.
What would you like to say to anyone who’s considering serving with CMF Globalscope?
Serving in England was a great life move. I found a lot of meaning working with a mission organization. It was not easy to move to a new country and invest in people, but it was very personally fulfilling.
campus ministry, England, Globalscope, Matt Hawkins, Nottingham