CMF welcomes Erin McDade, new Director of Advancement
Erin McDade’s story with CMF began almost 20 years ago, and now, a few twists and turns later, it’s come full circle as she returns to the organization in her new role as Director of Advancement.
“I started with CMF as a REACH intern to Santiago, Chile,” said Erin. “I was just a junior in college and God used the local Chilean Christians, faithful CMF missionaries, and a team of generous prayer and financial supporters to open my eyes to the need and impact of dynamic Christ-centered communities worldwide —communities where the gospel was lived out in bold, holistic and creative ways.”
After graduating from Georgia Tech and earning an MAR from Emmanuel Christian Seminary, Erin and her husband Nathan planted a Globalscope campus ministry in Puebla, Mexico, in 2004.
“We served there for seven years, witnessing first-hand God’s transformative work in the lives of college students from around the world,” she said. “These students are now doctors, lawyers, homemakers, engineers, and politicians, but most of all, they are Christians, playing their part in God’s kingdom advancement plan.”
Local church ministry
In 2012, Erin and Nathan joined the staff of Mountain Christian Church, Joppa, Md. Erin served as the Staff Storyteller — helping capture and share stories of God’s work in and through the community — and as the Director of the Semester in Ministry Program, a partnership with Milligan College that provides opportunities for college students to explore their vocational ministry calling in a local church.
Erin also enjoyed a deepening relationship with CMF, serving in a variety of roles, including as a member of the Globalscope Steering Committee and the CMF Board of Directors.
“My family and I have continued to be faithful financial and prayer supporters of CMF,” said Erin.
New vision, new era
As she commits to CMF’s vision in a new way with the new role, Erin is excited about the future of CMF, and about her own future opportunities with the organization.
“I’m excited to help more of God’s people come together in shared service through CMF,” she said. “I look forward to strengthening relationships with faithful supporters as well as creatively inviting others to see their unique fit in the larger Kingdom picture.
“From the individuals and churches that financially and prayerfully fuel each CMF ministry, to the home office staff and board members who lead the organization, to our missionaries who daily live out their calling in their unique contexts — we are all committed to expanding God’s impact through CMF ministries worldwide,” she added.
And Kip Lines, CMF’s Executive Director, is thrilled to have her on board his team.
“Erin was my first pick for this new position because of her love for CMF, her ability to communicate clearly and positively in any context, her creativity, and her strategic thinking skills,” he said. “The executive committee of the Board and I am convinced that Erin is the right person to help me lead CMF into a new era of changing missionary and organizational funding models, helping us to best communicate the story of who we are and the continued need to partner with CMF in transformational work around the world.”
Erin and Nathan and their two daughters, Elsa and Addie, will make their home in Indianapolis in April 2019.