Debtors to disciples: English couple’s lives transformed by financial freedom
When CMF England team members Aaron and Diane Lincoln met Phil and Sharon, the couple had an unmanageable debt that had driven them to the brink of despair.
“They had withdrawn from social interaction because they were overwhelmed and didn’t know what to do,” said Diane. “They didn’t even open the curtains of their house because they were hiding away from the reality of their debt.
“Phil was so depressed that he was considering suicide,” she added. “Miraculously, they contacted our Christians Against Poverty center and their transformation began.”
First steps
The Christians Again Poverty (CAP) center in Rugby, England, has had an amazing impact in the city in the eight years that the Lincolns have been working with the ministry.
“We have helped about 50 families/individuals become free from a total of more than $1,300,000 in debt,” said Diane.
When Phil and Sharon contacted CAP, a debt coach and “befriender” gently entered their home and listened to their story.
“The debt coach walked through the financial plan set out by CAP and then supported the family as they were relieved of their debt,” said Diane. “And in the process, Sharon and Phil saw and heard in person the good news of Jesus. Their dark cloud of hopelessness in debt was blown away by hope and renewal in Christ.”

Phil and Sharon were so changed by this journey that they became Christians and are active in a local church in Rugby.
“They are so grateful for what God has done that they have joined our team of disciples-on-mission to help others who are in the same situation,” said Diane.
“Phil and Sharon have now come full circle and serve with our CAP team!” she added. “And, more importantly, they have shared their testimony in multiple situations, testifying to the hope that they have in Jesus.”