What We Do
We are a global mission team serving in 26 countries around the world. Our mission is to create dynamic Christ-centered communities that transform the world.
CMF has remained faithful to Christ’s call to go out into the world and transform it for 70 years. We are always looking ahead to implement new strategies and move into new areas to share the gospel. Lives and communities can be transformed through the good news of the gospel in any corner of the world, from the slums of Africa and India, to the universities of Europe, and in the schools and neighborhoods of Asia.
Teamwork is an essential part of CMF’s strategies. All CMF personnel work as part of a team that includes mission colleagues on the field and local Christians. Each team plans and fulfills its ministry goals together, and its members support and encourage one another.
Our team also includes U.S. churches that provide financial support and with whom we partner to develop specific strategies and projects for transformation. Our sending partners — the individuals and churches who make our ministries possible through their prayers, financial support and encouragement — are a key part of our team.
How do we do it?
Our mission strategies are culturally-appropriate, effective and reproducible.

We plant churches
CMF team members adapt to the cultures where they serve. They build relationships that lead to new faith communities. These churches train leaders, reproduce and become a starting point for transformation in the community.

We serve the poor
Recent statistics project that 66 percent of the world’s population will be urban by 2050. This will be the largest unreached people group in the world. CMF’s holistic ministries provide ways to break the bonds of poverty and demonstrate the love of Christ in urban areas all around the world. The results have been amazing!

We build university student communities
Our Globalscope international campus ministers focus on key universities in major cities. These young leaders provide a Christian community and model authentic relationships with Jesus for the world’s most unreached generation.

We engage the marketplace
Our Marketplace Ministry team members live and work in closed countries, developing relationships that open many doors for ministry and service. In the future, we hope to connect Christian business people with Christian entrepreneurs on all our ministry fields to create new business ventures that will lead to jobs and economic Kingdom transformation.