New podcast: CMF in 2021 and beyond!
It’s increasingly difficult to imagine what the world will be like next week, let alone later this year or even 10 years in the future! But CMF’s leaders are always dreaming and planning new ways of serving, sending and transforming the world for Christ, and want to share some of their big goals for the decade ahead.
Recently, CMF Executive Director Kip Lines and Jake Moore, Director of Mobilization, recorded a conversation about missiology, mission trends and the future of CMF, and Jake posted that today as a new episode in “The Fellowship Podcast by CMFI.”
“In increasing ways, we are becoming a truly international organization,” said Kip. “Twenty-five percent of our CMF Globalscope missionaries are not from the U.S. We anticipate that percentage increasing in all our ministry areas and foresee a surge of new CMF missionaries over the next decade.
“And as we mobilize even more international and Gen Z teammates, we believe that by 2030 we will have more than 300 missionaries serving globally,” he added. “We are also praying that God will grow CMF ministries beyond our current 25 countries to 40 countries by the year 2030, all for the sake of more Christ-centered transformation in this world.”
Kip and Jake discuss this and many other goals for the future in the podcast. For an exciting peek at this big vision listen to their discussion on “Looking ahead: CMF in 2021 and Beyond.”
“The Fellowship Podcast by CMFI” is available on various platforms:
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fellowship-podcast-by-cmfi/id1397525036
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-317497916
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-fellowship-podcast-by-cmfi
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3qV9qxvZ6BoILmq75ddtLA?si=-LFy8D3nSjmEBXhSJ-h1ag