Isabel Miller will serve with Marketplace Ministries in Mexico City!
Isabel Miller entered university at Georgia Tech as a business major, never thinking that she would be a missionary or work abroad. But when she got involved with a campus ministry on Georgia Tech’s campus called CCF, she says that “Little by little, through different ways, just step by step, God changed my heart and sort of shifted my eyes toward this kind of work.”
Isabel got invoved with CMF first when she did a semester serving with the Globalscope team in Valencia, Spain, and later also served with the Globalscope team in Viña del Mar, Chile.
This past year, after deciding that she did indeed feel a call to international missions, Isabel decided to take a vision trip to see the work that Marketplace Ministries is doing with entrepreneurs in Mexico City. During this trip she was able to meet the team and some of the alumni of the business training program that the team facilitates, and she decided that this was the perfect fit for her. She is now raising support to join this team.
Learn more about Isabel’s journey to missions and what she will be doing in Mexico City with Marketplace Ministries in this video below!
CCF, Chile, entrepreneurial training, Georgia Tech, Globalscope, Isabel Miller, marketplace ministries, Mexico, Mexico City, Spain, Valencia, Viña del Mar