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equip, England

Immerse Yourself in Missions with EQUIP Britain International

EQUIP Britain International is an immersive, hands-on mission training opportunity in one of the most diverse cities in the world. Immersed in the world’s cultures, participants are guided by experienced disciple-makers to affirm God’s call to go to the world.

Birmingham, England, with a population of approximately two million people, is home to more than 185 different nationalities. It is sociologically a super-diverse city, which means that there is no predominant people group. Socializing with the peoples of the world is guaranteed. That means that participants of EQUIP will be immersed in the languages, customs, foods, and religions of the world!

Wherever participants feel called to go and make disciples, Birmingham provides the ideal location to confirm God’s call and experience engagement with people groups from that part of the world.

Grounded in Disciple Making Movements strategies, EQUIP participants learn through immediate application of principles. They will experience:

Mentoring – to assist in the development of life-long learning rhythms and of a Christ-like character.

Coaching – to assist in team development and the application and implementation of strategies as individuals and as a team.

Spiritual Formation – to learn rhythms of loving obedience in becoming a disciple worth multiplying.

Past participants have expressed great appreciation for their EQUIP experience. Some have even stated how the content is equivalent to a higher degree. In response, the EQUIP leadership team forged a partnership with ForMission College in 2022 to develop EQUIP into a master’s degree. Courses will be launched in Sept 2024. This provides an alternative experience from anywhere in the world, as ForMission’s MA program is entirely online.

1 year = Post-graduate certificate          (£3600)
2 years = Post-graduate diploma             (£6600)
3 years = dissertation and full MA        (£9600 total)

For more information about EQUIP immersive, please see or On the EQUIP MA, please see this page at


Kayla (middle) with David and Teresa Fittro, leaders of EQUIP Britain International.

From one of our graduates....

“Hi! I'm Kayla Dean and I participated in EQUIP Britain International in 2019 and 2020. When I first applied for EQUIP, I was unsure about where God might be calling me next in my life. I was uncertain, and the prospect of missions terrified me, even though I thought God might be calling me in that direction. But I decided to take the step of participating in the experience and was open to whatever God wanted to teach me there. While going through the program, I grew in so many ways. I learned to have more confidence in hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit, in my personal life and in ministry, and especially when it came to my calling. I also learned how to share Jesus and the Gospel with people around me in a way that is not weird but can lead to very fruitful ministry. Also, I was mentored and coached by some of the wisest and most lovely people I have ever met. I firmly believe that if you think that missions might be for you, or you want to learn how to be a disciple who makes disciples, that EQUIP is the best place to be. Currently, I have been serving in Mexico for around 2 years, and I don't think I could do what God has called me to do here without the training and experience that I got with EQUIP. I highly recommend the experience and hope that you have the opportunity to learn there, too!”

To read more testimonials from the EQUIP experience, visit our website here:

Birmingham, DMM, England, EQUIP Britain International