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It was a busy 2023 for our Tanzania team!

For teammates Joel & Michelle Swai and Nelson & Megan Mugarula, to train local leaders at the CMF training center in Arusha, Tanzania and equip them to plant churches in their own cultural context is the heartbeat of the ministry. But the work goes far beyond.

A community child sponsorship program helps provide education, nutrition, medical care, and spiritual development to orphaned and impoverished Maasai children. Local pastors provide spiritual leadership and program oversight, and whole communities are transformed through the impact of the program.

The Tanzanian worship ministry seeks to connect people to Christ through music. A band of passionate and talented young adults creates unique worship experiences for people of all generations to encounter Jesus in a uniquely Tanzanian way.

The team members also meet basic healthcare needs through Community Health Evangelism programs and care during droughts and famine as a means of sharing the love of Jesus.

They give God all the glory for what they were able to accomplish in 2023:

  • 14 new churches were planted.
  • 1,693 people gave their lives to Christ.
  • 1,075 believers were baptized.
  • 15 church planter families were trained.
  • 2 worship albums were released on YouTube and other digital platforms.
  • The band led worship at 21 different worship events in 4 regions across Tanzania.
  • They facilitated talent shows at 7 high schools in Arusha to encourage young adults to use their God-given talents in ways to glorify Him.
  • 18 church planter wives were encouraged during a women’s ministry conference.
  • 38 church planters were encouraged and refreshed at our annual conference.
  • In the community sponsorship program: 250 orphaned or impoverished Maasai children received nutritional meals, tutoring, and spiritual nourishment every Saturday at their local church.
  • 14 literacy teachers were trained and certified to teach adults how to read and write.
  • 95 Community Health Evangelism Trainers were equipped through 7 seminars throughout Tanzania.
  • Through the partnership of IDES, our church planters distributed 56,620 kilos of corn to 2,831 families in Mara region of Tanzania during severe hunger caused by drought.

Their impact is great, but the team is stretched. Can you see yourself joining the team and being a part of any of these ministries? Do you have a heart for church planting and training leaders? Do you love to connect with people through music and worship? How about women’s ministry, working with children, or providing holistic care?

Check out the three videos below to get a better idea of what life and ministry in Tanzania could look like. Is God calling you to ministry in Tanzania? Connect with us at and we can start exploring options!


Serving in Tanzania with the team:


Training church planter families:


Ministering through worship and music:


church planting, community sponsorship, Tanzania, women’s ministry, worship

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