‘I can’t believe I denied God’s existence!’
Rachel Rubin recently shared what she thinks is the most exciting news from her three years on a Globalscope campus minister team in Montevideo, Uruguay.
“We are sending out the first student from our ministry to go and serve at the Globalscope ministry in Brisbane, Australia!” she said. “Her name is Cami Vilanova, and her life has radically changed with the purpose that Jesus has brought to it.”
As Cami prepared for the move to Australia by raising support, she was amazed at the backing she’s received from Christians all over the world.
“She told me that she can’t believe that she used to be one of those people who would have fought to deny God’s existence,” said Rachel. “Now there is no way that she can deny it, because she’s experienced Him, and there’s no turning back.
“I can’t hold back the tears just thinking about how incredible it’s been to see Cami grow over the years,” added Rachel. “She leaves for Australia tomorrow (Tuesday, Feb. 19). We’re praying that this experience continues to grow Cami, and that she will be just as good for the ministry as I know it will be for her!”
campus ministry, Globalscope, Montevideo, Rachel Rubin, Uruguay